How To Relieve Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome
Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. There are two types of sciatica pain

·Discogenic sciatica is pain originating from a damaged vertebral disc, particularly due to degenerative disc disease.
non-Discogenic sciatica, also called piriformis syndrome or Deep gluteal syndrome is from compression of the sciatic nerve through or around the piriformis muscle or nerve disorder with entrapment in the deep gluteal space
The following are the most prevalent sciatica symptoms:
Lower back pain that may or may not go to the buttocks
Tingling or numbness in one or both feet
Pain radiating from the buttock to the back of the thigh, calf, or foot in the thigh or leg
Extreme skin sensitivity and discomfort that feels like it’s burning
Cramping in the thigh, leg, or foot is a common ailment.
Weakness in the leg, thigh, or foot
The hamstrings have an unusual lack of flexibility.
Foot drops unusually low, resulting in frequent tripping.
Non Discogenic sciatica is often mistaken for Discogenic sciatica. Some difference in symptoms between Discogenic sciatica pain and non-Discogenic sciatica Pain
Areas affected by pain:
In non-Discogenic sciatica Pain , buttock and hip pain is typically more common than lower back pain.
In Discogenic sciatica pain, the leg pain is usually greater than lower back pain and the pain may radiate into your toes. the affected leg may also feel heavy.
The effect of movement:
In non-Discogenic sciatica Pain , the pain typically increases while sitting for long periods of time and/or during hip movements.
In Discogenic sciatica pain, raising the affected leg while lying down (while keeping the other leg straight may induce pain.
Possible causes for Discogenic sciatica include:
Arthritis/spinal degeneration- age-related changes to the spine
Bulging disc/herniated disc -occupations where you twist the spine or pick up heavy loads
Spinal facet joint issues- Diabetes, which can increase the risk of nerve damage-
Possible causes for non-Discogenic sciatica include:
·Prolonged sitting without proper stretching causes gluteal muscles tightness
·Obesity, which can put extra pressure on the sciatic nerve
·Direct trauma to the buttock -lead to inflammation, scarring and contractures of the glutes/piriformis muscle, resulting in nerve compression.
Once you pin down the source of your pain, you can move forward with treatment. The sooner you find the root of your issues, the sooner you can get back to pain-free living. The treatment of sciatica pain depends on the type of sciatica, the length of symptoms and severity of your condition. Except the medication treatment, such as paracetamol, anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, the treatment of sciatica is:
·Physical therapies. For Non-Discogenic Sciatica, muscle tightness around the sciatic nerve is a common cause of sciatica, any physical treatment that strengthen and mobilize tissues in the lower back, pelvis, buttocks, and thighs will largely help relieve discomfort and return your mobility.
Injection of anaesthetic into the spine. For Discogenic Sciatica, Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) are a common treatment option for sciatic. They have been used for decades and are considered an integral part of the nonsurgical management of sciatica and lower back pain. This injection may provide sufficient pain relief to allow a patient to progress with a rehabilitative physical therapy program.
Surgery. Like most surgeries that require general anaesthesia, sciatica surgery comes with the risk of blood clots and heart attack. Infection is also a risk with most surgeries. And since this operation involves tissues around a nerve, nerve injury is a possibility.
Commitment and frequency are important attributes to a successful treatment outcome when using physical therapy for sciatica. Physical therapy may be combined with the use of pain-relieving treatments, such as over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications or epidural steroid injections.
Reclined Pigeon Pose and Supine Twist help relieve pain by mobilizing tissues in the lower back, pelvis, abdomen, buttocks.
Reclined Pigeon Pose

·Lay on your back with one foot flat on the floor, your knee pointed up.
·Cross your other leg’s ankle over the knee
·Reach forward—bringing your upper back off the floor if need be—and grab your shin with both hands
·Pull your legs toward your chest
·Hold for at least five breaths and release
·Repeat three to five times

Supine Twist
Lay on your back and bring your knees toward your chest, as high as feels comfortable
Spread your arms
·Lower both legs to one side; turn your head in the opposite direction
Hold for at least five breaths
Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side
Repeat both sides three to five times
Since Non-Discogenic Sciatica is caused by compression being applied to the sciatic nerve , a deep tissue massage is a sure way to work both muscles and joints to bring back the feeling of relief.
Deep Tissue Massage relieves muscle tension and can help break up any scar tissue that develops in the area where the nerve is compressed. Massaging the muscles of the lower back pelvis, buttocks can also increase blood flow to those areas, which helps remove some of the toxins caused by injury or inflammation.
LittleMum Back Trigger Point Massager is recommended to relieve non-discogenic sciatica. (For discogenic sciatica, deep tissue massage may not help you a lot. )

With this massager , you can self-massage and myofascial relieve your sciatica piriformis pain by release tension from your gluteus and lower back muscles.

It is made of silicone, heavy and sturdy. You just need lie down and settle your own weight on the massager to break up muscle tension, adhesions, and scar tissue in deeper muscles, increase blood flow to the muscles thus aid in recovery from your sciatica pain.
If you prefer massager to sink deeper to melt away your gluteus and back muscles tension, then LittleMum Deep Tissye Massager will be your choice to relieve your non-discogenic sciatica

LittleMum Deep Tissue Massager does an amazing job releasing your tight lower back muscles (Quadratus Lumborum) and gluteus ( Piriformis ) to reduce sciatica pain, This usually entails digging an elbow or fist into the painful muscle by massage therapists.
This massager is very powerful and takes some fiddling to figure out the sweet spot.. Not recommended for people who is over 60 years or pain sensitive.
You need help with your proofreading. Lots of grammatical errors and omissions.