Massage Trapezius Muscle to Fix Dowager’s Hump

Have you noticed a small hump of the back of the neck? If you feel like you are having a hard time standing straight, you may have developed Dowager’s Hump.Dowarger's Hump

Dowager’s Hump is an outward curvature of the thoracic vertebrae of the upper back. It appears as a rounded hunch that many people refer to as a hunchback. In addition to the bump on the base of the neck, Dowager’s Hump has a forward head posture where your head is jutting forward.

If you're developing Dowager's hump, you might also notice the following symptoms:

  • Muscles fatigue easily

  • Gradual postural changes

  • Chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders

  • Trouble Breathing

Bad posture is the leading cause of Dowager’s Hump but it’s certainly not the only cause. Other possible causes include osteoporosis, a congenital problem, or Scheuermann’s kyphosis. No matter the specific underlying cause, Dowager’s Hump happens because of the weakening of muscles around your thoracic spine. When the trapezius muscles weaken, other muscles have to do their job for them and that puts those additional muscles under constant strain from overuse.

The trapezius is a large band of muscles that spans the upper back, shoulders, and neck. Trapezius plays a vital role in posture, shoulder blade movement and control as well as neck and shoulder movements.

Tension and tightness in the trapezius muscle is common, particularly among people who work in an office, hunchover their computers all day ,or cab drivers who stay on the road for several hours. Extended phone calls where your device is wedged between your ear and shoulder is also a plausible cause. Playing musical instruments, practicing weightlifting or training for contact sports for extended hours can also cause trapezius pain.

Tightness in the trapezius muscles at the back of the neck and shoulders, bad posture, or osteoporosis can, over time, give you a "dowager's hump."

There are many treatment options for Dowager's hump. They range from physiotherapy to surgery. Early intervention and treatment of this condition can alter its course and provide many health benefits.

Physical therapy should be tried first before considering other treatment methods such as medications or surgery. Please note, while doing daily activities and exercises you should avoid flexing the spine (bent forward) because it may cause fractures. Try to maintain your spine in a neutral position as much as possible

If you take medications or get surgery, the muscles, joints, and bones that assist and make up your spine need to be strengthened. Your treatment choice will vary depending on the severity, but it will have to be supplemented with physiotherapy if it isn't your primary treatment choice.

Among the physiotherapy, It is important to release the tight trapezius muscles which are encouraging the formation of the neck hump.

A trapezius muscle massage can benefit you in many ways, including:

  • Improved blood circulation

  • Faster muscle recovery after workouts

  • Decreased swelling

  • Better posture

  • Improved range of motion

  • Reduced risk of injury

  • Better quality of sleep

As you won’t always have massage therapists or a trusted person to count on for a massage, you need to learn how to self-massage to release your tight trapezius muscle every day. LittleMum Trapezius trigger point Massager is specially designed for trapezius deep tissue self-massage at home.

14 nodes are predominantly located where trigger points are mostly often occurred., Perfectly mimics the pressure produced by deep tissue massage therapists, targets the deep layers of trapezius area to ease muscle, improve blood flow and aid in recovery from trapezius strain symptoms.

Instead of only working on the muscles’ surface, LittleMum Trapezius trigger point massager, made of food grade silicone, can exert enough pressure that penetrate deeply to break up muscle tension, adhesions and scar tissue that often Lie in deeper muscles

You just need lie down and settle your weight on the massager and it lifts your head to support your neck in the neutral aligned position and helps your neck stay in its optimal C-curve consistent with the rest of your spine.

We recommend using the massager daily. Not only will it help to get rid of the hump, but you should feel relief in your whole upper back and neck. As for how long it'll take to see the hump dissipate, that comes down to the hump's severity. If it's mild, three to six months of doing this massage every day should do the trick. For other people, it may take longer.

1 comment

  • Hello can a deep tissue massage target a dowagers hump,think im getting one

    nilgun mehmet

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